Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A League of My Own

I played softball this weekend. Rest assured, this was not on my own accord. One of my best friends Jill guilted me into it because her co-ed team needed an extra girl or else they'd be at a serious disadvantage (some "extra out" s-ball lingo reason). This is a testimony to how much I love Jill, because I have always loathed softball. I was traumatized as a child when I was put on a baseball team and developed a serious phobia of small round things being hurled at me (I still flinch at baseball games even when I sit in the skybox). The players were always big, tough, and oh-so assured of what they're doing. Not only have I not played baseball , or really any team sports since, I've never played slow-pitch softball in my life. I work out regularly and can run well, but I've always been a bit of a "girlie-girl". Tough-girl jocks intimidate me - and the guys just assume you're useless from the get-go - I hate to prove them right. I was clueless and nervous from the beginning and seriously out of my element (one of the tough-girl jocks from the other team had a t-shirt on that said "Redneck Girl - Hell ya!" - you get the picture). Going up to pitch was like one of those nightmares where you're standing in front of the class with your underwear on - everyone could tell right away I had no clue what I was doing and would be an easy out. Thank God in heavens the pitcher was not great and I was able to make this assessment as the balls came to me way too high and didn't swing - I ended up walking - score one for the clueless idiot!! I was asked to be the catcher during the inning where we're in the outfield and again, initially I was terrified and stood up straight 20 feet back from the batter (the umpire looked at me with mild curiosity and uttered "first timer?" ). Again, I surprised myself and actually didn't completely embarrass myself - even throwing with my right hand because they had no extra right-hand mitts (I'm left-handed). The best part though came at the end. It was my turn up to bat during the last inning, bases loaded, and if I could hit the ball and make it to first base we'd win the game - no pressure. It was so cliche I actually caught myself laughing. Well... it wasn't the Babe Ruth-style home run that I hoped for, but I did hit the ball, and I RAN. Luckily, my speedy little legs took me to first and I was safe. The other team assumed I'd be an easy out and tried to strike me out instead of the guy on third and we ended up winning the game! The team support, and cheering and high-fives actually felt good. Being part of any team that works together to achieve a goal is not such a bad thing, neither is getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new once in a while. I don't think I'll end up joining the team, but being an emergency sub is something I might be able to commit to. I just need to learn the rules - what's an RBI again???

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