Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hockey time in Kansas

My little guy starts "Hockey Skills" Class tomorrow - I can't believe how excited I am - you'd think he just got drafted by the NHL or something. I think it's inbred in Canadians to put their kids in Hockey - I say "kids", not boys, because last time I went home to PEI it seemed there were just as many girls playing hockey as boys - awesome stuff. Euge and I were a little apprehensive about Josh's skill level and how he'll do tommorow, but after taking him skating for his last practice on Saturday, we feel better. I think we've officially graduated to the next level of parenting: the "teach your child a skill and and follow-through" type of parenting - which we've never done before. We're the reigning kings of half-baked parenting - one swim session here, one bike-ride there, 3 weeks of rock climbing, then 4 weeks of basketball - it's like we're actually passing on our ADD to our poor kid, who will never really learn how to do anything well. It was different with skating though- there's a lot monre at stake. There's the money involved (actually the grandparents bought the skates and equipment - amazing grandparents ), then there's the time involved to learn how to simply skate, and then there's the whole cultural thing. We faithfully took Josh to the rink twice a week for an hour each time - and each time we saw him get better and better. We added his equipment on piece-by-piece to get him comfortable skating in it and by the time last Saturday came along, he was zooming around the ice with full-equipment. I know this is so mom-ish but he was SOOO CUTE. I can't wait until tomorrow to see him in action. As a reward for all the hard work he (and us!) put in, we bought NHL tickets to see the Dallas Stars take on the Maple Leafs over thanksgiving weekend in Dallas. The seats are in the front section and I'm telling ya - as a Canadian, it'll be worth every penny!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like to think of our parenting ADD style as more of an "exposing the kids to a plethora of experiences" type style.
