Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The "what I want to be when I grow up" job!!

let me begin with what a pleasant surprise it was viewing my blog with comments!! Thanks guys!! - man though, I guess if I dish it out I need to be able to take some criticism too. I apologize for not blogging enough or razzing cows in western Kansas (it was a shock to see the cattle prisons but I'm sure there are happy cow farms out there too!!). Jill - we miss you too and want to come up to KC at xmas time - we'll work something out. We had an AWESOME time in Dallas (I'll post pics this afternoon), we visited the Zoo, science museum, JFK museum, hockey game, big mall...it was as good as I thought it would be.

Now....the big news.... I got a new job!! I will be the new full time television producer for KPTS (the local PBS station). Man, I am SO excited. I've wanted to be a full-time producer for forever and I LOVE PBS (watch for me on many annoying pledge breaks to come). It's going to be a change to move from suits to jeans. but it'll be great to be out there shooting and editing every day. The gang over there are fabulous and I'm just so excited!!! Stay tuned for video clips of my productions and great production gossip stories!!


Amy D. said...

Congratulations, Stacy! That's very exciting. You'll be getting back into something you love and are very good at. When do you start?

chitknit said...

HEY! WAY to go! See, ya just had to hang in there a tiny bit longer...


Kathryn said...

Congrats Stacey!! We're very excited for you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations.. and suits to jeans will not be too hard at all, I'm sure.

Especially if you have as hard a time as I do leaving the house without toast crumbs, honey, juice or some other child-related stain!


Jaime said...

I ran into Gabe yesterday and he told me the good news. That's great. Can't wait to see your work.